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S Kellett

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Turk, F. ., Kellett, S. ., & Waller, G. . (2021). Determining the potential links of self-compassion with eating pathology and body image among women and men: A cross-sectional mediational study. Body Image, 37, 28-37.
Turk, F. ., Kellett, S. ., & Waller, G. . (2021). Determining the potential link of self-compassion with eating pathology and body image among women: a longitudinal mediational study. Eating and Weight Disorders : EWD. (Original work published 2021)
Barkham, M. ., Saxon, D. ., Hardy, G. ., Bradburn, M. ., Galloway, D. ., Wickramasekera, N. ., … Brazier, J. . (2021). Person-centred experiential therapy versus cognitive behavioural therapy delivered in the English Improving Access to Psychological Therapies service for the treatment of moderate or severe depression (PRaCTICED): a pragmatic, randomised,.. The Lancet. Psychiatry, 8(6), 487-499.
Turk, F. ., Kellett, S. ., & Waller, G. . (2022). Comparing self-compassion versus body exposure for adult women with moderate to severe body dissatisfaction: A feasibility and pilot trial. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. (Original work published 2022)