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F Di Domenico

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Di Domenico
Tramutola, A. ., Lanzillotta, C. ., Barone, E. ., Arena, A. ., Zuliani, I. ., Mosca, L. ., … Di Domenico, F. . Intranasal rapamycin ameliorates Alzheimer-like cognitive decline in a mouse model of Down syndrome. Translational Neurodegeneration, 7, 28. (Original work published 2018)
Tramutola, A. ., Abate, G. ., Lanzillotta, C. ., Triani, F. ., Barone, E. ., Iavarone, F. ., … Uberti, D. . (2018). Protein nitration profile of CD3<sup>+</sup> lymphocytes from Alzheimer disease patients: Novel hints on immunosenescence and biomarker detection. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 129, 430-439.
Butterfield, D. ., Barone, E. ., Di Domenico, F. ., Cenini, G. ., Sultana, R. ., Murphy, M. ., … Head, E. . (2012). Atorvastatin treatment in a dog preclinical model of Alzheimer’s disease leads to up-regulation of haem oxygenase-1 and is associated with reduced oxidative stress in brain. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 15(7), 981-7.
Tramutola, A. ., Sharma, N. ., Barone, E. ., Lanzillotta, C. ., Castellani, A. ., Iavarone, F. ., … Di Domenico, F. . (2018). Proteomic identification of altered protein O-GlcNAcylation in a triple transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. Molecular Basis of Disease, 1864(10), 3309-3321.
Tramutola, A. ., Triani, F. ., Di Domenico, F. ., Barone, E. ., Cai, J. ., Klein, J. ., … Butterfield, D. . (2018). Poly-ubiquitin profile in Alzheimer disease brain. Neurobiology of Disease, 118, 129-141.
Triani, F. ., Tramutola, A. ., Di Domenico, F. ., Sharma, N. ., Butterfield, D. ., Head, E. ., … Barone, E. . (2018). Biliverdin reductase-A impairment links brain insulin resistance with increased Aβ production in an animal model of aging: Implications for Alzheimer disease. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. Molecular Basis of Disease, 1864(10), 3181-3194.
Di Domenico, F. ., Pupo, G. ., Giraldo, E. ., Badìa, M. ., Monllor, P. ., Lloret, A. ., … Perluigi, M. . (2016). Oxidative signature of cerebrospinal fluid from mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer disease patients. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 91, 1-9.
Barone, E. ., Cenini, G. ., Di Domenico, F. ., Noel, T. ., Wang, C. ., Perluigi, M. ., … Butterfield, D. . (2015). Basal brain oxidative and nitrative stress levels are finely regulated by the interplay between superoxide dismutase 2 and p53. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 93(11), 1728-39.
Perluigi, M. ., Di Domenico, F. ., & Butterfield, D. . (2015). mTOR signaling in aging and neurodegeneration: At the crossroad between metabolism dysfunction and impairment of autophagy. Neurobiology of Disease, 84, 39-49.
Di Domenico, F. ., Pupo, G. ., Mancuso, C. ., Barone, E. ., Paolini, F. ., Arena, A. ., … Perluigi, M. . Bach1 overexpression in Down syndrome correlates with the alteration of the HO-1/BVR-a system: insights for transition to Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease : JAD, 44(4), 1107-20. (Original work published 2015)