Minute Taker: Emily
Group photo (for the web)
Review of Reading/Continuing Education (Shannon: 15 minutes)
Should all mentors have this as background information before mentorship?
Beyond typical mentorship-- context provided before semesters to better outcomes amongst marginalized identities (e.g., 1st gen, BIPOC)
Possibly disclose identities to students at the beginning of the semester to emphasize scientists hold multiple identities
Theory to Action
PSY Scholars exposed to research opportunities (PSY 395), but who are we missing by not making information accessible?
PSY Lab showcase: New faculty members may already have pre existing videos explaining their research interests/lab tasks
Graduate School
Having these conversations during Graduate School Orientation/TA Training
Surveying faculty to see if they need RAs, update website each semester to display if RAs are needed or not
Subcommittee Updates (Krystal: 30 minutes - 5 minutes per)
Evaluate our Efficacy
Operationalize DEI Committee Success
Thriving and Goals (as described in a word cloud)
Can this be done by Spring 2022?
Holding our DEI Committee Accountable
Continue with public minutes
Broad dissemination of our efforts & receive feedback
All grad programs (clinical, DSH, neuro) send graduate student representative to department meeting and disseminate information to respective Brown Bag
Recommendations from the Admissions subcommittee
Highlight DEI relevant research on DEI website,
Highlight other communities on campus (e.g., CHET, CESJ, DRC, Office of LGBTQ+ Resource, MLK Jr. Center, KY Refugee Ministries)
Highlight fun things to do in Lexington (from multiple perspectives!), possibly utilize Google Maps from Clinical
Psychology Departmental Handbook
Updated program website, prospective student website, and FAQ
Feedback given to program heads with suggestions to individually better the websites
Next step: standardize interview process and share with all department heads to see if it will be applicable to different tracks
DEI Panel during interview process
Clinical program has utilized this in the past but it could be applied to all areas. It might be best to have this lead by graduate students & not record to make the conversation more candid.
Diversifying the pipeline
Possible panel to display what careers are available after research
Decolonizing the syllabi
Curated chapters/articles for core courses that faculty could utilize
Missing articles for PSY216/quantitative
What’s the best way to disseminate information? Should this be done on an individual basis?
Messaging- discuss Feb. 2022- how to best frame making these changes to larger group
Mini meeting: Completed a shell of the updated website for psychology DEI including tabs, allocation of different links/ websites/ topics, etc.
“Prototype” of resource tool prepared
Open forum (Baylee: 10 minutes)
Make it a mandatory for PSY 215 courses to have questions about careers in psychology.
Pleased and grateful for significant changes!
December Meeting Minutes