Minute Taker: Baylee Jenkins
Leadership Update: Shannon
Departmental transparency handbook
Adding links to grad school
Including go-to people/ resources for questions (e.g., ombud for advisor-mentee challenge questions)
Designing for less-frequent updates
Having point-people for particular resources/ questions
Chain of command for particular issues
Annual/ bi-annual lookovers to make sure the handbook is up-to-date
DEI Events
Including a possible link on the website to an updating document, accessible by everyone, of events that are happening
Possibly having a 399 student involved in doing this
Hannah has great resources
Committee to meet to discuss departmental demographic survey
Subcommittee updates + action items: Krystal
[for next academic year/ over summer] potentially forming a subcommittee concerning a virtual diversity day for interested potential applicants
For our undergraduate students: highlighting grad school benefits, social problems currently trying to solve - showing the relationship between addressing social injustices and attending graduate school
Diversifying the pipeline committee
Including more messaging about psychology degrees in 195
Messaging salience
Increasing engagement with current resources
Non-academic routes for psychology degrees (both bachelors and advanced)
How psychology degrees help prepare students for industry jobs
Potentially including as a SONA credit - students learn about these and then take survey
Resources committee point-person: Hannah Wild
Admissions committee:
Send out to everyone who interviewed in 2022 to begin data process
Feelings of inclusion
Possibly surveying applicants about their perceptions of diversity & inclusion after receiving an offer and interviewing, etc.
Potentially before offers go out
Emphasizing anonymity and access after decisions go out
Increase honest answers, reducing possible pressure to only provide positive feedback from applicants
Wanting to include questions about feelings of safety & willingness to enroll
Information to include on survey: quality control - grad panel, interview scheduling opinions
Diversifying the pipeline:
Discussing evaluating the content of DEI in the classroom
Survey questions to get an idea of course content, class environment based on both instructor and classmates
How to best disseminate survey: creating a Qualtrics and sharing via professors and ask for year and semester taken, course numbers and sections numbers to then split based on courses
Goal: Talk to Christia about adding questions to TCEs
Using smaller survey at the end of spring 2022 semester to have pilot data to present to Christia?
Suggestion: making questions more DEI-related and less broad
Sending questions out to larger committee to receive feedback before survey creation
Leadership Committee changes for 2022-2023 academic year
Committee should rotate for balance of prioritizing action items
Discuss further next meeting - students & faculty should think about if they’d like to be involved
Voting, increasing transparency
Responsibilities: posting meeting minutes, interim meetings between bigger meetings
Selection of next reading:
Action items:
Creating surveys (admissions, diversifying the pipeline) within the next couple of weeks
April Meeting Minutes