Important Dates/Deadlines
Monday, January 13th | First day to participate in experiments. |
Monday, January 13th | Prescreening survey opens at 8:00am |
2 weeks after prescreen opens - Monday, January 27th | Prescreening survey closes at 8:00am |
Friday after prescreen closes - Friday, January 31st | Prescreen results will be sent to researchers |
Friday, April 25th | Last day for students to submit Alternative Assignments |
Friday, April 25th | Last day for students to participate in experiments. |
Wednesday, April 30th | Deadline for settling all research credit issues & discrepancies with students. |
Friday, May 2nd | Credit reports will be distributed to instructors |
Researcher Responsibilities and Information
Researchers in the Department of Psychology who wish to utilize the subject pool should become familiar with the procedures and deadlines. Deadlines will be posted and updated continuously and emailed to the researchers at the earliest convenience each semester. The subject pool includes students enrolled in PSY 100, 215 and 216. Procedures are the same for all, except that PSY 100 requires 6 hours of research exposure whereas PSY 215 and 216 require 4 hours.
IRB Information
All experimenters must go directly to the IRB for approval of studies. For instructions, go to the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) website: You may also contact Peggy if you have questions about developing your IRB protocol (
SONA Subject Hour Cap
Number of subject hours you can use: You may post as many experiments as you wish (with IRB approval for each). The number of participants you may run is subject to the following limitation: Prior to the midterm date of the semester, each PI may use up to 600 credit hours in the Fall semester, and 400 hours in the Spring semester. The purpose of this cap is to prevent a single very large study from soaking up all the available credit hours early in the semester. SONA enforces the cap. There may be special exceptions in which there are stricter limitations to the number of participants you can run that will be communicated to the department via email (for example, during COVID-19, increased use of the subject pool required greater restrictions).
The cap includes:
- hours that have already been run
- times slots scheduled and posted on SONA
- hours in a multi-part study that are committed though not yet scheduled or run, e.g., when a student signs up for a longitudinal study with multiple sessions.
After the midterm date, if you need more hours you will need to contact the Sona Administrator to request them.
Pre-screening Procedures
- Prior to the semester beginning - email is sent to faculty/graduate students asking for any measures to be included in the prescreen
- There is a limit to the number of questions that can be included. The screen can take no longer than 50 minutes to complete, as it is worth 1 credit. Researchers who need to screen take priority; also, junior faculty take priority
- Compiled screening survey is sent out to the department for confirmation - please READ these emails to ensure all of your modifications are included; otherwise, yours could be left off the prescreen
- Screening survey is sent to the IRB for approval
- Goal is to go live with the survey on the SONA site on the first day of classes. The survey will be posted for two weeks
- After two weeks, the survey will be removed, and screening data will be compiled and sent to the researchers by the SONA Administrator
SONA Crediting Policies
Credit is allocated in .5 hour increments and participants should be given 10 minutes to travel to their next class or appointment (5 min for a .5 credit study):
Online studies
Recording research credits
Experimenters are responsible for entering research participation credits for their studies (see instructions below). Please enter credits ASAP after running a session. This reduces the number of emails you’ll get from students (and from the SONA Administrator) wondering why their credit is not posted. Keep a record of who participated in your study in case of disputes.
Credit for no-shows by the experimenter
If a student goes to a session and no one is there to run the session (for any reason) without notifying the student beforehand in a reasonable time frame (i.e., not simply putting a note on the door of a lab the day of the experiment), the student should receive full credit for arriving on time and at the correct location.
Cancellations by the participant - during study
Students who arrive at the study location and consent to the study are permitted to withdraw at any time during the study, and for any reason. They are still entitled to their credit(s). If a study involves multiple sessions over multiple dates, students should only receive credit for the time they have completed, provided that they were clearly notified of the credit value for each session of the study.
Cancellations by participant - before study
Participants may cancel their participation in the SONA system up to 24-hours before the study is scheduled to begin. Participants who cancel with less than 24-hours notice are instructed to contact the researcher at the researchers’ contact information listed on the study. Please be sure your contact information is listed correctly when you post studies.
Students will not receive credit - please use “excused no-show” for the reason in the SONA system. DO NOT use “unexcused no-show”, as the students are not penalized either way. Students who don’t show must have the opportunity to earn this credit at a future point, either by participating in another study, a later session of the same study, or by writing an article/presentation summary.
SONA Instructions
SONA is the online system for scheduling research participants. Please view SONA’s Researcher Tutorial video for information on logging in, adding and reviewing studies, making modifications to the study, and additional features.
For any SONA technical issues, please contact SONA Customer Support at
Gaining Access to SONA - New Account
SONA requires that each researcher has their own account. To request an account, please email the SONA Administrator. Please include your full name, email address, name of your supervisor, phone number, and room location (office number). You will receive a user code and password to access SONA. You can change your user code and password later if you wish.
Gaining Access to SONA - Existing Account
If you were registered as an experimenter on the SONA system last semester you should be still registered now. If not, let me know and I will register you again.
If you were running a study on SONA last semester and you wish to run the same study again, your study should still be in the system. Contact the SONA Administrator if you encounter a problem. PLEASE DELETE YOUR INACTIVE STUDIES. If you do not delete the studies you are no longer running, the system becomes cumbersome.
If you used SONA last semester, but want to modify the experiment description please do so, but keep in mind that you may need to do an IRB modification. If so, please provide a copy of modified consent form (stamped) and explanation sheet (if applicable) to the SONA Administrator.
How to create and post studies:
- Log into SONA at
- Select “Create a new study”
Studies can only be posted for credit, not for financial incentive.
- You can then select from four options/study types:
- Choose “Standard Study” for in-lab studies that require participants to show up at a specific location at a specific time and participate in-person. You may set up multiple time slots.
- Choose “Multi-Part Standard Study” for in-lab studies that require participants to participate in one or more follow-up sessions. You may set up multiple time slots for “Time 1”, “Time 2”, “Time 3”, etc. for participants to choose from.
- Choose “Online Internal Survey Study” for online studies that are set up and administered directly within the SONA system (NOT Qualtrics, for example). Researchers must create the survey and store data directly in the SONA system.
- Choose “Online External Study” for online studies that are hosted by an external system such as Qualtrics or SurveyMonkey. For this option, you create a survey in Qualtrics and copy/paste the survey link into SONA. Participants click on the link and are taken to the survey website.
- Please click this LINK for quick instructions on how to set up automatic crediting with Qualtrics.
- Enter in study information (i.e., study name, abstract, eligibility, researcher, etc.)
- Enter IRB Approval Code (this is required)
- Check “active” or “inactive”. Choose “active” if you want your study to appear right away.
- Enter in information for “Advanced Settings” section if necessary (i.e., prerequisites, invitation code, email notifications for sign-ups, etc.)
- Select “Add This Study”
- Your study will be approved by the SONA Administrator. Once it is approved, you may add time slots.
How to add time slots:
- Choose “My Studies” in the menu bar
- Click on your study title, and in the gray “Study Menu” bar, choose “View/Administer Time Slots”.
- Choose “Add a Timeslot”
How to enter credits:
- Go to “My Studies”. Choose the relevant study (if you have more than one).
- Choose “Time Slots”, then “View All Time Slots”, then “Modify”. Scroll down.
- For each student who participated, choose “participated.”
- For anyone who did not participate, please use “excused no-show”. DO NOT use “unexcused no-show”, as the students are not penalized either way.
*Students who don’t show must have the opportunity to earn this credit at a future point, either by participating in another study, a later session of the same study, or by writing an article/presentation summary.
Participants recruited through the early-semester screening must sign up for a particular time and date slot on SONA. When you contact a student based on the screening, direct them to SONA to sign up for the session you have arranged.
Feel free to contact the SONA/Subject Pool Administrator at if you have questions. For SONA system technical questions, please contact SONA Technical Support