Research Interests:
- Transdiagnostic mechanisms to improve psychopathological outcomes in minoritized populations
- Emotion-based personality trait and disorder development across the lifespan
- Adverse early life experiences
- Emotion and emotion regulation
- Aging
- Health psychology
During my undergraduate research career, my research was involved in developmental psychology; specifically, I studied the impact of culture and parental emotion socialization on children's emotion understanding and development. I also studied emotion regulation, personality, and sleep behaviors in undergraduate student populations. During my post-baccalaureate experience, my research shifted to a more clinical focus, and I worked with older and middle adult and child populations with diagnoses such as dementia, hormonally-impacted depression (specifically, perimenopausal depression), and autism.
My current research is centered on how trait responses to emotion (e.g., how one's consistent style of coping develops into a personality trait) can impact or be impacted by adverse childhood experiences. More specifically, I am interested in how one's early life experiences can impact one's later emotional and health development into adulthood. I am also interested in how trait responses to emotion may serve as transdiagnostic mechanisms for psychopathology and how to best identify them to improve psychopathological risk for minoritized populations.
I am a fifth year student in Dr. Suzanne Segerstrom's lab and avidly enjoying mentoring undergraduate students who are interested in psychology, research, and the graduate school process. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with questions about the lab and/or my research!
- Psychology