Kalmbach DA, Ong JC, Cheng P, Reffi AN, Swanson LM, Hirata M, Seymour GM, Cuamatzi-Castelan A, Jennings M, Pitts DS, Roth A, Roth T, & Drake CL. (under review). A randomized controlled trial of telemedicine CBTI and PUMAS for prenatal insomnia: Reducing nocturnal cognitive arousal is a treatment mechanism for alleviating insomnia and depression during pregnancy.
Tipsword JM, Isaacs MR, Seymour GM, & Badour CL. (under review). Targets of trauma-related disgust and emotion regulation difficulties as predictors of PTSD symptoms and mental contamination following sexual violence.
Tipsword JM, Jones AC, Quinkert E, Seymour GM, & Badour CL. (in press). Disgust, trauma, & PTSD. In D. McKay & B. Olatunji (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of disgust: Assessment, clinical manifestations, and treatment.
Reffi AN, Cheng P, Kalmbach DA, Moore DA, Mahr GC, Seymour GM, Solway M, & Drake CL. (2024). Understanding nightmares after traumatic events in Detroit (UNiTED): Prospective associations with interpersonal violence and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. European Journal of Psychotraumatology.
Kalmbach DA, Reffi AN, Ong JC, Cheng P, Walch O, Pitts DS, Seymour GM, Hirata M, Roth A, Roth T, & Drake CL. (2024). Preliminary evidence of psychological improvements and increased maternal-fetal attachment associated with a mindfulness sleep program: secondary analysis of uncontrolled data in 11 pregnant women with DSM-5 insomnia disorder. Journal of Sleep Research.
Kalmbach DA, Cheng P, Reffi AN, Ong JC, Swanson LM, Espie CA, Seymour GM, Hirata M, Walch O, Pitts DS, Roth T, & Drake CL. (2023). Reducing cognitive arousal and sleep effort alleviates insomnia and depression in pregnant women with DSM-5 insomnia disorder treated with a mindfulness sleep program. Sleep Advances.
Kalmbach DA, Cheng P, Reffi AN, Ong JC, Swanson LM, Fresco DM, Walch O, Seymour GM, Fellman-Couture C, Bayoneto AD, Roth T & Drake CL (2023). Perinatal Understanding of Mindful Awareness for Sleep (PUMAS): A single-arm proof-of-concept clinical trial of a mindfulness-based intervention for DSM-5 insomnia disorder during pregnancy. Sleep Medicine.
Kalmbach DA, Cheng P, Reffi AN, Seymour GM, Ruprich MK, Bazan LF, Pitts DS, Walch O & Drake CL. (2022). Racial disparities in treatment engagement and outcomes in digital cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia among pregnant women. Sleep Health, S2352-7218(22)00206-6. Advance online publication. doi:10.1016/j.sleh.2022.10.010
Kalmbach DA, Cheng P, Ahmedani B, Reffi AN, Peterson EL, Sagong C, Seymour GM, Ruprich MK, & Drake CL. (2022). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia prevents and alleviates suicidal ideation: Insomnia remission is a suicidolytic mechanism. SLEEP, zsac251. doi:10.1093/sleep/zsac251
Reffi AN, Kalmbach DA, Cheng P, Jovanovic T, Norrholm SD, Sexton MB, Mahr G, Arnett L, Seymour GM & Drake CL. (2022). Sleep Reactivity as a potential pathway from childhood abuse to adult insomnia. Sleep Medicine, 94, 70-75. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2022.03.026