Justin Verlinden
Cognitive Neuroscience Graduate Student
I am a PhD Candidate co-mentored by Dr. Lauren Whitehurst and Dr. Jessica Weafer (formerly at University of Kentucky, presently at Ohio State University). My graduate research to-date has been centered on the following topics:
- Sleep as a treatment target for at-risk drinking
- Sex differences in the relationship between sleep and alcohol use
- Next-day consequences of drinking on cognition
With the help of my mentors and collaborators, I have received training in and utilized a variety of research modalities and skills throughout my graduate career, including:
- Intravenous alcohol administration
- Alcohol skin biosensors
- Polysomnography
- Actigraphy
- At-home diaries
- R programming
Feel free to reach out to me via email (justinverlinden@uky.edu) if you would like to learn more about myself or my work. Always happy to nerd out over science :)
Contact Information
207O Kastle Hall
Research Interests
- Alcohol and Drug Addiction
- Sex Differences in Drug Abuse
- Sex Hormones
- Human sleep
- impulsivity
- Psychology
- Cognitive Neuroscience