This is a 2 Day certification process that is required in order to become a WSD sitter. Sitters watch the dogs when trainers need help, and are able to handle the dogs in public. Our sitters make up the bulk of our membership, and are incredibly valuable to our dogs' training. Everyone is required to be a sitter for at least one semester, and can then be eligible to run for an officer position and/or become a trainer. Only UK students are eligible to become WSD sitters.
Day 1 (Feb. 25) 10am-1pm will be a policy & handling class led by WSD leadership. This is where you will learn about our organization's policies, how we handle our service dogs in training, and will have the opportunity to practice handling one of the dogs yourself!
Day 2 (Feb. 26) will consist of a brief multiple choice evaluation, as well as a working evaluation handling one of the dogs. A minimum of 80% on each portion of the evaluation is required to become a sitter for Wildcat Service Dogs. You are not required to be there for the full 10am-1pm time, that is just the window of when you can show up to evaluate. Once your evaluation is complete, you are set to go!
If you are unable to attend this round of certifications, you are still welcome to attend our monthly meetings! We will have additional certification opportunities next semester! If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to