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Internship Course Information

Internships offer many benefits such as sampling your future career fields, gaining job experiences, and networking while in college. 

PSY 399 Sections:

PSY 399 is a commonly known as an internship course. It offers psychology majors learning opportunities at various community organizations. This Pass-Fail only course may be taken for 1 to 6 credits at a time, up to a maximum of 12 credits (in combination with other experiential education course credits hours earned from, for example, EXP 396 or other departments’ 399 courses) over a major’s undergraduate career.

In deciding on how many credit hours you should sign up for PSY 399 for a given term (including summer and winter sessions), you must consult with your faculty sponsor and follow this guideline:

● To earn one credit of PSY 399, you must have weekly 3 hours of learning experiences at your internship site (minimum total = 45 hours per semester). 

● To earn two credits of PSY 399, you must have weekly 6 hours of learning experiences at your internship site (minimum total = 90 hours per semester). 

● To earn three credits of PSY 399, you must have weekly 9 hours of learning experiences at your internship site (minimum total = 135 hours per semester). 

NOTE: The above guideline is based on the 15-weeks of a semester. If you take PSY 399 during summer and winter sessions, your weekly hours would be greater.

PSY 399 is a controlled enrollment course: That is, you need to receive the course instructor’s permission to enroll in PSY 399. Below are the steps you should take:

PSY 399 (001, 002, Summer 010, Winter 230) Enrollment Procedure (Sections with Dr. Sung Hee Kim):

Step 1: Check whether you have met the GPA Requirement.

-The GPA based on ONLY psychology courses should be 2.5 or higher. This GPA is not same as your major GPA. See your GPS to find out the GPA based on ONLY psychology courses.

Step 2: Secure an internship (see below for examples of internship sites).*

-It is your responsibility to find an internship suitable for PSY 399.

-When local organizations send their internship recruitment information, it will be sent to all psychology majors via Canvas Psychology Majors Course.

-The Harris Center routinely offers PSY 399 opportunities to psychology majors. Its recruitment information will be sent to all psychology majors via Canvas Psychology Majors Course.

-You can also seek the Career Center’s help for finding an internship:

Step 3: Secure a psychology faculty sponsor.

-Ideally, you should find a faculty sponsor who has some expertise related to your internship. For example, if your internship is at a clinical setting, then a clinical faculty member would be an ideal faculty sponsor.

-NOTE: Dr. Sung Hee Kim is NOT your faculty sponsor unless she agrees to be yours. However, for PSY 399 (Winter 230), Dr. Kim is happy to be your faculty sponsor, unless you have found a different PSY faculty sponsor. 

Step 4: Consult with your faculty sponsor about the number of credits you will be taking.

Step 5: Once you have completed Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4, complete this short online survey 

Step 6: After the completion of the survey, email Sung Hee Kim (, informing her of your completion of the survey.

Step 7: After carefully having examined your survey responses, Dr. Kim will give you an override to the section you indicated in the survey.

Step 8: You must upload your PSY 399 learning contract form on Canvas (PSY 399 001, 002, 010, or 230) by 5PM of the second day of class (Fall, Spring semesters and summer, winter sessions).

-IMPORTANT NOTE: Some internship sites require a background check. You must have completed it before uploading your contact.

Intern Recruitment Information for the 2025 Fall Semester: 399 (001 & 002) and PSY 499 (001 & 002)

Learning Contract Form (001, 002, 010, & 230): 

Word File

PDF File

Sample internship sites where psychology majors have done their internships (PSY 399: 001, 002 010, or 230):

Harris Psychological Services Center at UK; Peer Tutoring at the Department of Psychology at UK; Interfaith Counseling Center; Hope Center; Fayette Drug Court; UK HR; UK Career Center; Greenhouse17; Ampersand Sexual Violence Resource Center of the Bluegrass (formally Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center); Girls on the Run; Domestic Violence Court; UK Center on Trauma and Children; Children’s Review Program; UK Center on Drug and Alcohol Research; Sanders-Brown Center on Aging at UK; UK Counseling Center; NEST; George Privett Recovery Center; Keeneland Association; Eastern State Hospital; UK Hospital; YMCA;  Louisville Sleep Medicine Specialist; Learning Interaction and Play Center; Commonwealth Attorney’s Office; Mind Psi; Crossroads Counseling Services; Lexington Police; etc.


Section with Dr. Steven Arthur (Only Peer Tutors)

Section 003 is reserved for the Psychology Peer Tutors. Peer tutors help with PSY 100, PSY 215, and PSY 216. This is currently a nominated position, and potential tutors must be nominated by their course instructors.

All tutors must enroll for three credit hours of PSY 399.

Step 1: Express your interest to your PSY 100, 215, or 216 instructor.

If you are interested in tutoring PSY 100, 215, or 216, you must have taken the class at UK and earned an A in the class. If you have done this, talk to your instructor in that class about your interest.

NOTE: You may only tutor for the same class you completed. 

Step 2: If invited to be a peer tutor, Dr. Arthur will give you an override to PSY 399 003.

Step 3: If invited to be a peer tutor, you must upload your PSY 399 learning contract form on Canvas (PSY 399 003) by 5PM of the second day of class (Fall and Spring semesters).

Learning contract form (003):

Word File

PDF File

Sections with Dr. Lynda Sharrett-Field

PSY 399: CatsCare Outreach Program (1-2 credit hours)

This is a community based outreach program designed to aid elementary school-aged children and their teachers. Internees will offer support based on teacher need, which can involve activities such as leading small reading or math groups, playing learning games, offering one-on-one assistance to a high-need student, and helping to generally supervise the classroom. Internees will be responsible for transportation to and from the elementary school and are required to be available for at least 3 hours per week between the hours of 9am-2pm (limited space supporting after school programs is also available). The class will meet 1-3 evenings throughout the semester. Please note that 3hrs/wk of internship is equivalent to 1 course credit hour, with a maximum of 2credit hours/semester.

Enrollment Requirements:

  • FCPS Background Check: Must submit request PRIOR to the semester you wish to volunteer. Instructions provided with submission of Learning Contract.
  • Consent of instructor (Lynda Sharrett-Field)
  • Completed learning contract (email to:
  • Contact: with questions and for more information

Learning contract form:

Word File

PDF File


PSY 499 (001 and 002): Senior Internship

PSY 499 is a capstone course that meets the PSY GCCR requirement. Thus, you must meet its pre-requisites to take it. Unlike PSY 399 (a variable credit course; P/F only), it is a grade-based 3 credits course and has a weekly class meeting.

As it is a controlled enrollment class, please contact Dr. Sung Hee Kim ( a couple of months before the semester when you want to take PSY 499.

You have to find an internship (research-based or field-based) suitable for the course; however, you do not need to have a faculty sponsor. Dr. Kim serves as your faculty sponsor.

For more information on the course, please email Dr. Kim (